Tuesday, February 7, 2012

13. Paint Chip Dry Erase Calendar

Last week I did a poll to see which Pinterest projects 
I would tackle next-- and we had a tie!

Here is the first of the two winners-- a dry-erase calendar made from paint chips!
Here was my Pinspiration for this project:

Clicking the link brought me to the tutorial for this project here:

When I saw that this project won, I went to my paint chip stash to see if I would have enough to make this- over the past few years we have made many trips to Lowes for paint, and sure enough I had enough browns to do it!

To begin, I cut out 35 2"x2" squares from the paint chips.

Next, I picked out a frame I already had- I believe this one is 12"x18" (I have been trying to find a use for this odd-sized frame forever!).

I arranged the paint chips in a 7x5 matrix fairly evenly across the backing of the frame. You could arrange them randomly, but (just for funsies) I arranged my paint chips by their Valspar number, from least (2001-9a) to greatest (3002-10c). 

Finally, I glued them down and placed the assembly in the frame.

For this calendar, I prefer to use wet-erase marker for the days and numbers, because it does not come off as easily. 

I've already hung it in my kitchen, and I love it!
(by the way, does anyone want some of the massive amount of candy I have there? lol)Now all I need to do is make a dry erase plaque to go over top of it so I can write the month. If I had had a bigger frame, I would have left room for that, but I wanted to use only things I already had. This whole project only took me about an hour to make, and cost me nothing!  

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