Friday, March 9, 2012

15. Glitter shoes! (Update-- FAIL)

A recent discovery I have found on Pinterest is glittering up your own shoes!

First, I started with a pair of black dress shoes that I found at
 Goodwill for about $2.00 or so. 

I spread Mod Podge directly onto the shoe, covering small sections at a time.

Next, I dumped glitter to cover all of the glue, then tapped the excess off. *This step uses a LOT of glitter. Make sure to do this over newspaper so that you can periodically pour the glitter back into the container.

I found later that stippling the glue on, rather than spreading it on, made it look less streaky. In order to cover the streaks I had, I had to do another coat of glue and glitter.

After I got a second coat of glitter on the shoes, I noticed that some of the glitter had overlapped the seam around the top of the shoe that I was trying to keep black. In order to fix this, I took a black sharpie and traced around the edges, smoothing them out and covering up any unwanted glitter. 

Once the shoes were dry, I coated them in a layer of gloss Mod Podge to seal in all of the glitter so that I won't come off later. (I also glittered and sealed the straps).

Okay, here's the FAIL part. Wayyy back up there, before I started anything, I should have taken some major sandpaper to the shiny surface of those shoes. I knew I should have, and I decided to skip it, because I was lazy. 

Anyway, the shoes were gorgeous.... until I wore them, at which point anywhere the shoe bent, the glitter began to chip right off of them. It's all my fault, and I knew I shouldn't skip that step, but oh well.

This would probably work a lot better if you simply started off with a pair of fabric shoes. You really want to get the Mod Podge to adhere well. Shiny just don't cut it people.  

At least I have maybe 2 good wears left in them before they are totally ruined. I better make them good!!

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