Monday, March 26, 2012

16. Dyed Play Silks

This is an interesting and fun idea that I saw online-- hand-dying silk pieces for your children to play with (or for you to wear!) This project was sooo easy I couldn't believe it, and it used kid-safe ingredients!

Friday, March 9, 2012

15. Glitter shoes! (Update-- FAIL)

A recent discovery I have found on Pinterest is glittering up your own shoes!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Up-cycled Storage: Plastic Containers

In continuing with my search for cheap (read: FREE) storage, I decided to decorate some plastic food containers that I had lined up to be recycled. Now they've been upcycled!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

14. Glitter Keys!

Who doesn't want to glitter-fy their keys?!

Up-cycled Storage: Formula Canister

Currently I am going through a "purge and reorganize" phase in my house. HOWEVER, organization requires containers, and containers mean money. Since we are also trying to be frugal (see Dave Ramsey), I don't want to spend the money on new storage. To solve this, I am going to do a series on the different ways I turn everyday items into storage!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

13. Paint Chip Dry Erase Calendar

Last week I did a poll to see which Pinterest projects 
I would tackle next-- and we had a tie!

Here is the first of the two winners-- a dry-erase calendar made from paint chips!

Pinterest on CNN

The social media site Pinterest (you know, the one behind the whole premise of my blog) was featured in an article on CNN today!

Monday, February 6, 2012

12. Printable Decor

Printables!! I am officially in love with them. 
A printable is something that you can print either at home or at a photo center and use as decor for your home!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

11. Layered Decoupage Art

This project is one I saw on Pinterest a long time ago, 
and I finally got around to trying it!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Guest Post: Disney Princess Headbands/Hairclips

Today I have a guest poster for you: Rachel W! She is one of my good friends, and she is probably one of the crafty-est people I know!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Reader's choice!

Pick which Pinterest project I tackle next!

Just vote for your choice on the poll to the right of your screen!
Whichever choice gets the most views, I will try as my next project.

Here are links to the choices so you can see what I would be doing:

10. Chalkboard labels

Another thing I got for Christmas this year was 
I have been itching to try it out!

Friday, January 27, 2012

9. Scrapbook Paper Flower Art

I love making the art that decorates my house- and I got a set of 7 canvasses for Christmas, so I'm glad I found this project so I could use one of them!

I saw this one on Pinterest this morning, and since I had all of the supplies, I tried it out while the baby was sleeping!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Tip In-between

Here is just a quick decorating idea that I have used a few times.

 Place the head of a fake flower over a finishing nail for an easy and cute wall hanger!

If the flower does not fit snugly, you can use a dot of hot glue to keep it on!

All done! Cute, huh?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

8. Picture Plaques

This is one project that I am soooo happy with how it turned out.

The original picture I based this off of can be seen here:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

7. The Classic "Hollow" Book

Wouldn't it be great to have one of those hollowed out books so you can store all of your money and jewelry from unsuspecting thieves? lol

I saw this picture on Pinterest:

This one is easier than I thought it would be, yet still tricky. 

6. Modpodge tinted glass

For a few weeks I have been trying to gather glass bottles, so that I can try this one out!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

5. Melting Crayons!

Okay, everyone has their own take on this one-- you see it all over Pinterest. 

Using a hair dryer or heat gun to melt crayons into awesome pictures!
Pinned Image

I wanted to do my own take on this, so I decided to make a rocket ship for E's room. It was insanely easy, and extremely gratifying to see those crayons just MELT so fast! Here's how it turned out:

Pinned Image

So fun, everyone should try this!!!


I made a time-lapse video of me melting some crayons! Woot!

4. Foot print tree

I made these for the grandparents and I using E's footprints!

Here is the original pin:

Though it wasn't easy keeping him still, I was able to get paint on his feet fairly quickly to get these stamped. Here's how mine turned out:

Pretty cute, though not as neat as the original!

3. Candle apples

So this is an idea I tried for my Halloween party (yeahhh, and I'm only just getting around to posting it)

This was the original pin:

It was not too hard to get the candles in the tops of the apples-- I simply used a knife to hollow out a hole large enough for the candles to rest in. To keep the exposed part of the apple from browning, I added a squirt of lemon juice after I was done hollowing out the holes. Here's how it turned out:

Pinned Image

I really thought it added to the atmosphere of the party!

2. Love bottle

For this one I tried to model it after this picture:

(I can't for the life of me find this pin to site it!! Help!)

This is how mine turned out:

This is pretty self-explanatory on how to do this- just use hot glue to write a word on a bottle, then spray paint it!
I used silver spray paint instead of white, and I really like it!